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KSSL By-Laws

Kentucky Select Soccer League By-Laws

Amended July 2022


SECTION 1. The name of this organization shall be the KENTUCKY SELECT SOCCER LEAGUE, hereinafter referred to as League, and shall operate as an independent, non-profit organization.

SECTION 2. The League’s activities shall be devoted to promoting competitive youth soccer in the League.

SECTION 3. The official abbreviation of the League shall be KSSL.

SECTION 4. Neither the name nor the abbreviation shall be changed or altered when used by members of the League.

SECTION 5. The name and emblem of the League shall be registered trademarks.

The mission of the League is to provide a competitive league focused on sportsmanship, team work, and a positive experience for players of all abilities to encourage personal growth, promote a love for the game, and advance soccer in the region and throughout the state of Kentucky.


The objectives of the League are to:
(1) Promote fair play;
(2) Promote good sportsmanship among players, coaches, parents, and spectators;
(3) Promote respect among players, coaches, parents, and spectators;
(4) Promote teamwork; 
(5) Promote hard work; and
(6) Promote proper attitudes towards competition among players, coaches, parents, and spectators.


SECTION 1.  Membership is open to teams and clubs that support the mission and objectives of the League.

SECTION 2. Membership is non-transferable.

SECTION 3. There are two (2) member classifications.

(a) Team.  A properly registered competitive team in good standing with the Kentucky Youth Soccer Association and the League; is currently participating or participated in the most recent League playing season; has paid the required fee(s); and is accepted by the League.

(b) Club.  A club that has a member team.

SECTION 4.  Teams in good standing are voting members and shall have one (1) vote per team.

SECTION 5.  Clubs are non-voting members.


SECTION 1. The business and affairs of the League shall be directed by a Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as Board, whose duties shall be to aid, assist, and promote the objectives of the League.  The number of Board positions shall be no more than five (5).

SECTION 2.  Board members shall conduct their activities with: 

(1) Integrity, performing their duties with fairness, honesty, courtesy, and impartiality;
(2) Accountability, working within the parameters of the League Bylaws and Rules; 
(3) Service, focusing the League’s resources efficiently and effectively to meet the needs of those they serve; and 
(4) Commitment, exhibiting dedication to performing their duties to the best of their abilities while striving for continuous improvement in fulfilling the mission and objectives of the League.

SECTION 3.  The five (5) Board positions shall be: 

(1) League Director;
(2) Deputy Director for Younger Girls (U10-U14); 
(3) Deputy Director for Older Girls (U15-U19);
(4) Deputy Director for Younger Boys (U10-U14); and
(5) Deputy Director for Older Boys (U15-U19).

SECTION 4. The League Director shall be elected bi-annually on years ending with an odd number and serve a two (2) year term.

SECTION 5. The Deputy Director for Younger Boys and the Deputy Director for Older Girls shall be elected bi-annually on years ending with an even number and serve two (2) year terms.  

SECTION 6. The Deputy Director for Younger Girls, and the Deputy Director for Older Boys shall be elected bi-annually on years ending with an odd number and serve two (2) year terms.

SECTION 7. All Board members terms shall begin on July 1 and end two (2) years later on June 30.

SECTION 8. A Director or Deputy Director may serve an unlimited number of terms.

SECTION 9. Any vacancy on the Board shall be filled by affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining members of the Board for the unexpired term.

SECTION 10. No Director shall receive compensation for his or her services.

SECTION 11. Board members may be reimbursed for travel and other expenses as related to KSSL business.

SECTION 12. Board Members’ travel and per diem rates shall follow IRS guidelines.

SECTION 13.  The League may purchase equipment for Board member use during their term.  All equipment purchased is the property of the Kentucky Select Soccer League.

Section 14.  Board members shall attend fifty (50) percent of scheduled meetings and may not be absent for two (2) consecutive meetings.

SECTION 15. A Board member may be removed for due cause upon the written recommendation of three (3) Board members and confirmation of three-fourths (3/4) vote of all Directors present at a called meeting of the Board at which a quorum is established.  Such action may not take place unless the affected Board member, and all other Board members, have been notified at least thirty (30) days prior to a meeting at which time a vote may be taken.  The notification shall be in written form and sent by letter, facsimile, or electronic format to the affected Board member and all other Board members.  The affected Board member shall be advised of the charge(s) made and offered an opportunity to address the Board prior to the vote for removal.

SECTION 15. The Board may consider matters not addressed in these Bylaws or the League rules and take any action it deems necessary.



SECTION 1. Board meetings shall be held on the 1st Thursday evening of each month and at such other times as called by the League Director or upon request of two (2) or more Board members. 

SECTION 2. Notice of any Board meeting shall be given to each Board member at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. 

SECTION 3. Fifty percent (50%) of the Board shall constitute a quorum.

SECTION 4.  Board meetings can be conducted in person or by electronic means.  Board members can attend meetings by any format.

SECTION5.  Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, Board actions shall require a simple majority of the Board present or a simple majority of all Board members if conducted by means other than a meeting.



SECTION 1. The Director shall serve as chairperson and preside at all League meetings.

SECTION 2. In the absence of the Director, a Deputy Director, chosen by affirmative vote of a quorum of the Board, shall perform all duties of the Director. 

SECTION 3. The Director shall implement the orders of the Board.

SECTION 4. The Director shall enforce the League Bylaws and Rules.

SECTION 5. The Board shall have control of League property and finances. 

SECTION 6. The act of the majority of the Board members present at a meeting where a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board.

SECTION 7. Action may be taken without a meeting by a simple majority of all Board members.  The action taken and majority shall be memorialized.

SECTION 8. A Treasurer, who may or may not be a Deputy Director, may be appointed by the majority of the Board members present at a meeting where a quorum is present to serve a two (2) year term.  The individual appointed by the Board may also be removed by the majority of the Board members present at a meeting where a quorum is present. 

SECTION 9. The individual appointed by the Board to serve as Treasurer may serve more than one (1) term.    

SECTION 10. The Board may authorize or enter into any contract, or execute and deliver any instrument(s), in the name of or on behalf of the League.  Such authority may be general or confined to specific instance(s).



SECTION 1. A League Administrator, hereinafter referred to as Administrator, may be appointed by the Board to conduct routine League business.  

SECTION 2. The Administrator shall report to the Board. 

SECTION 3. The Board shall maintain a written job description for the Administrator. 

SECTION 4. The League Administrator is an ex-officio Board member and has no voting rights.

SECTION 5. The Administrator shall serve as the secretary and:

(1) Memorialize the proceedings of all Board meetings; 
(2) Distribute minutes of all Board meetings to Board members; 
(3) Conduct League correspondence;
(4) Maintain an up-to-date record of the names, addresses, and voting status of League members; 
(5) Make and present an annual report of the year’s activities; and 
(6) Perform other duties as directed by the Board.

SECTION 6. The Board shall annually establish the amount to fund the League Administrator.

SECTION 7. The agreement for the League Administrator shall be reviewed annually and renewed or rejected by a majority vote of the Board. 



SECTION 1.  The Board may appoint committees as deemed necessary for the operation of the Board or League.

SECTION 2.  The Director and at least one (1) Deputy Director shall be a member of all committees.

SECTION 3. Any Board member may attend and have a voice at any committee meeting.

SECTION 4. Committees shall not have the power to obligate the Board or League in any way except as specifically determined by the Board.



SECTION 1.  The Board shall oversee all League finances and funds.

SECTION 2. League funds shall be expended as directed and approved by the Board.

SECTION 3. The Board shall approve all League expenditures over $700.

SECTION 4. Checks, drafts, or other orders issued in the name of the League for the payment of money, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness shall be executed by dual custody by at least two (2) Board members, or the League Administrator and one (1) Board member, or the League Administrator individually when authorized by the Board. 

SECTION 5. Withdrawals shall be approved by the Board.

SECTION 6. Funds shall be deposited by the Board or designee of the Board in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as the Board directs.

SECTION 7. No loans shall be contracted on behalf of the League and no evidences of indebtedness shall be issued in its name unless authorized by the Board.  Such authority may be general or confined to specific instance(s).

SECTION 8. The Treasurer shall prepare a financial report at least quarterly as well as perform other duties as directed by the Board.

SECTION 9. The treasurer shall complete an income and expense statement monthly. 

SECTION 10. The annual income and expense statement shall be made available by request to member clubs in good standing, and member teams in good standing, within thirty (30) days after it is completed. 

SECTION 11. The Board shall select a qualified Public Accountant to review League finances and provide a report to the Board.  The review shall be completed every year. 

SECTION 12. The Treasurer that served during the period covered by the review shall submit a report to the Board.

SECTION 13.  Financial records shall be maintained for 7 years.

SECTION14. Questions or concerns regarding League finances shall be made in writing to the League Director and shall be addressed by the Board.



SECTION 1. Nominations to serve on the Board shall be made by email to the KSSL Administrator from April 25 to April 30. 

SECTION 2. Valid nomination will constitute the completion of the Kentucky Select Soccer League Board application.

SECTION 3. All sections of the application must be complete with specific identification of position interested.

SECTION 4. Applicants may only apply for one (1) open Board position at the time of nomination.

SECTION 5. Current Board members seeking an additional term need not complete the nomination application.  

SECTION 6. Individuals seeking Board nomination must demonstrate experience and/or contributions to the sport of soccer through coaching, volunteering, or serving in some role within a member club in the past.

SECTION 7. Applicants are not required to be affiliated with a member club but must demonstrate a desire to serve the growth and continued success of the KSSL.

SECTION 8. Nominations can be submitted by a member club or the individual seeking nomination.

SECTION 9. No club shall constitute more than fifty (50%) percent of the membership of the Board.

SECTION 10. Ballots shall be emailed by May 5 to all teams registered with the League. 

SECTION 11. Each team in good standing is entitled to one (1) vote for each nomination.  

SECTION 12. Write-in ballots shall not be accepted.  

SECTION 13. Ballots shall be returned by email to the League Administrator no later than May 10. 

SECTION 14. All votes emailed from a single address shall count as one (1) vote.


SECTION 1. The Board shall determine playing seasons and membership fees.

SECTION 2. Playing seasons are sessions of specified length during which the League conducts competition.

SECTION 3. Membership fees shall be payable upon application to participate in KSSL.

SECTION 4. No team shall be eligible to participate in the League until the membership fee and all outstanding fees, assessments, and fines are paid in full.



 The calendar year of the League shall begin on January 1st and end on the following December 31st.



SECTION 1. The Board shall host a website.

SECTION 2. A Webmaster, who may or may not be a Deputy Director, may be appointed by the majority of the Board members present at a meeting where a quorum is present to serve a two (2) year term.  The individual appointed by the Board may also be removed by the majority of the Board members present at a meeting where a quorum is present.  

SECTION 3. The Webmaster shall report to the Board. 

SECTION 4. The Board shall annually establish the web expenses.

SECTION 5. The agreement for the Webmaster shall be reviewed annually and renewed or rejected by a majority vote of the Board. 



SECTION 1. The official emblem of the League shall be an image of the Commonwealth of Kentucky with the phrase “Kentucky Select Soccer League” emblazoned on the image.  The words “Select Soccer League” shall appear under the word “Kentucky.”  A soccer ball shall be positioned on the upper right of the state image.  Double curled lines shall originate under the word “Soccer” and continue around to the soccer ball image.

SECTION 2. The emblem may be used only with the expressed written consent of the Board.

SECTION 3. The emblem shall be a registered trademark.



The Board may indemnify and may advance funds to any Director or agents of the League who are, were, or threatened to be made a defendant or respondent to any threatened, pending, or completed action, suit, or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative, by reason of the fact that he or she is, or was, the Director, a Board member, or agent of the League, to the fullest extent that is permitted or required by the statutes of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and all other applicable laws.



SECTION 1. The Board may amend these Bylaws.  Any Board member may submit a proposed amendment to the Board for consideration. 

SECTION 2. All proposed changes shall be submitted to all Board members.

SECTION 3. Vote of the Board members present at a meeting of the Board where a quorum is present shall be required to adopt a proposed change if at least thirty (30) days prior notice of such adoption has been given to each Board member.